
Our Insights section curates articles by our Research team with additional contributions from industry experts, academics and authors.

Drowning in debt

Corporate debt is at record levels, fuelled by years of low borrowing costs and liquid markets. But there are fears that the market may be heading for a fall.

8 minute read

Standards at the end of the supply chain

Investment Managers Alan Lander and Des Armstrong travelled to Vietnam and Bangladesh to revisit apparel and footwear factories in South-East Asia.

12 minute watch

A focus on fundamentals, not market fads

As we enter the 2020s, it seems pertinent to look back at the first decades of this millennium. Markets may have changed over that time but our investment process has not.

11 minute read

Talking ESG in Texas

Few issues energise environmental campaigners more than fracking. Investment Manager Des Armstrong recently visited Texas to see how one producer is working to improve its operations environmentally.

10 minute read

Living the dream

The urgent need to address climate change tends to inspire fear, even panic. Dr Gabrielle Walker, a recognised expert on the topic, argues that a more positive approach is required.

9 minute read

Looking back to look forward

Walter Scott’s Non-Executive Director Alex Hammond-Chambers has worked in the investment industry since the 1960s. He shares some of the insights he has acquired during more than half a century of asset management in both the UK and the US.

11 minute read


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