Fraud Warning
To reduce the likelihood of fraud always verify our company’s contact details (including telephone number) with those listed on the FCA’s online Financial Services Register. If you are approached by fraudsters please report to the FCA using their share fraud reporting form or call their consumer helpline on +44(0)800 111 6768. If you have already paid money to fraudsters, you should contact the police at Action Fraud on +44(0)300 123 2040.
Conflicts of Interest
In the event of a conflict of interest, or potential conflict of interest, we follow our Conflicts of Interest Policy, which can be found at the link below.
In accordance with the requirements of the FCA MIFIDPRU sourcebook for MiFID Investment Firms please find below the Walter Scott MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosure for 2023.
Modern Slavery Statement
As a firm, we are committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from within both its business and supply chains. Please click here to access the most current annual statement. Find below links to our historical annual statements.
Proxy Voting Disclosures
Voting complements our engagement with leadership teams by allowing us to express our views on specific issues, and to contribute to initiating change when required to protect and promote the best interests of our clients.
Proxy Voting Disclosure Q2 2024
Proxy Voting Disclosure Q1 2024
Proxy Voting Disclosure Q4 2023
Proxy Voting Disclosure Q3 2023
Section 172 Statement
In accordance with the requirements of Section 172 of the Companies Act 2006, please find below the Section 172 Statement for Walter Scott.
Shareholder Rights Directive II
The revised EU Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II) is designed to facilitate the exercise of shareholder rights, encourage shareholder engagement with companies and set out new requirements for companies. The emphasis is very much on encouraging long-term shareholder engagement which should improve investee companies’ corporate governance and performance.
Shareholder Rights Directive II – Our Approach
Shareholder Rights Directive II – Significant Votes 2023