Opening Minds to Diversity of Thought
Diversity comes in many forms. One of the most influential is cognitive diversity, which ensures that teams include individuals with different views.
7 minute readOur Insights section curates articles by our Research team with additional contributions from industry experts, academics and authors.
Diversity comes in many forms. One of the most influential is cognitive diversity, which ensures that teams include individuals with different views.
7 minute read
The rising demand for healthcare creates new pressures for the industry, forcing companies to balance profitability, productivity, the patient and public service.
10 minute read
US manufacturing is often the focus of cataclysmic forecasts. Investment Managers Jamie Zegleman and Paul Loudon travelled to the US Midwest to judge for themselves.
9 minute read
AI is everywhere. Whilst there is no doubt as to the importance and almost unimaginable potential of these technologies, separating hype from reality is still necessary.
7 minute read
Co-Head of Research Alan Edington on why the former US secretary of state’s book resonates with our team.
10 minute read
Professor Peter Montagnon argues that shareholder’s rights and responsibilities are misunderstood.
7 minute read