Annual Sustainability Report
ESG Integration, Stewardship and Sustainability have long been an important part of our investment approach. As long-term investors, we have always recognised the need to understand, analyse and assess all aspects of a company’s operations and practices. Long-term success depends upon sound processes alongside robust governance.
In recent years, scrutiny of these non-financial metrics has increased significantly as has our need to report upon our efforts. This report demonstrates our approach to ESG Integration, Stewardship and Sustainability. It documents our proxy voting and engagement activity, as well as summarising the work we have undertaken over the past year to improve upon our own processes and to challenge ourselves to do better.
This report also serves as our response to the UK Stewardship Code.

Walter Scott celebrated its 40th birthday last year. Whilst we made sure to mark the milestone, there was no time to rest on our laurels, particularly in the ever-evolving areas of ESG Integration, Stewardship and Sustainability.
This, our fourth Annual Sustainability Report, builds on years of developing disclosure in this area and covers a range of themes that are increasingly important to many of our clients and by extension to our next 40 years of investment management.